Everything we do describe in detail who we are. We as
mankind carry with us impression which people use in judging us as good,
bad, honest, dishonest, diligent, hardworking, lazy, trustworthy etc.
The honest man reflect that piece of virtue in what he does. The
diligent man reflect that piece of virtue in carrying out his duty. The
man of integrity reflect that piece of virtue in everything he does. The
cleaner realising no one is watching her carelessly does her job
forgetting she is leaving a piece of her on that floor which she refused
to clean well. The way the cleaner decides to clean the floor reflects
the content of her character. The janitor realising no one is there in
his place of assignment carelessly carries out his duty forgetting he is
leaving a piece of him behind. Many employees today in many organizations wish for a superior position, a better opportunity, a
better salary but still remain in the same position for years because
they lack character. Many have lost out on great opportunities because
they lack character and many have been exalted from the position of a
mere security guard to the position of a manager because they have
demonstrated a high level of integrity in what they do. Nothing good can
be attained by mere wishing for it, it has to be earned through
deliberate practice including the building of a good character.
Many as a result of lack of willingness to sacrifice
immediate gratification for the greater good of others have lost out on
many business relationships because they are seen as untrustworthy as a
result of what they do. As mankind what we do reflect our character
content. That work you are doing as a janitor, a cleaner, a trades man, a
contract worker, a cook, as an employee working in an organization, how well do you do your job? The truth is whatsoever you
do, somebody is watching. As a trades person is your word in alignment
with what people see? Many trade person lie to make sale. Many trades
person in an attempt to make quick sale exaggerate the good qualities of
their products and make promises which their products fail to deliver.
The dishonest man is quickly discovered through his work and word. His
words are never in alignment with what he does. Many people have lost
great opportunities because of the poor quality service they
offered their previous clients/customers. Many contracts workers have
sacrificed future business relationships as a result of inability to
delay immediate gratification. Character and humility are inseparable.
The man who does bot want to remain in an inferior position for too long
can't do without humility. The man of integrity humbly admits to his
mistakes and fixes his errors while the man who lacks humility covers
his mistakes as a result of pride. Pride comes before a fall says the
book of proverbs. Many contract workers as a result of not wanting to be
seen as unprofessional in their field fail to admit their inability to recognize quality cements or bricks before purchasing them and on
realising such mistakes they decided not to tell the truth to the owner.
But what such building contractor fail to know is that he is leaving a
piece of him in that job which will determine his success. People
appreciate honesty and when you show honesty in little things people
commit bigger things in your hands because they believe you got their
The seamstress who out of the need to make excess profit
overcharges her customers and under performs as a result of the need to
quickly get to the next job fails to realise she is leaving a piece of
her in every dress she makes and this inevitably will speak for her and
with time ruin her reputation. Many contract workers as a result of the
need to make excess profit use inferior materials and overcharge. Thus
they fail to give equivalent service for the money they charged the
person who they do business with. In the end of the day they stamp their
character in the job they do.
As mankind the way we choose to do our work reflect who we
are. Our destiny is tied to our character. Character is a strong moral
virtue. The man of character allows integrity to reflect in all he does.
His words and actions are always in alignment. The man of integrity is a
just man. He gives equivalent service in return for every business
transaction he makes and as such he is able to build trust in others as
his words, actions and works speaks for him. As mankind every work we do
express the content of out character. People either see us as just or
unjust, as sincere or insincere, reliable or unreliable, through the
work we do. We are the molder of our destiny. If we mold our destiny
with bricks of trustworthiness, dishonesty, insincerity, it comes back
to us in the same measure as it injures our reputation and put a
limitation on our successes in life. Make a choice to leave an admirable
piece of you in every work you do. Remember people are always
Thanks for reading this article
I dedicate this article to the God Almighty who is the source of wisdom and knowledge.
Written by : Uwagboe Anthonia Peace.