Tuesday, 16 August 2016


In many cities, streets, abandoned building and many street corners exist teenagers, young adults and old men who are victims of certain vegetables substances. These are dead walking men, lost people, people with cases of psychosis, schizophrenia, who as a result of long term dependent on cocaine and meth become street wanderers. Many individuals who out of the need to gain acceptance by members of some groups in many societies take certain kind of vegetable in order to raise their esteem and grow their confidence among peers. 

Vegetable in its native and unaltered state help in the cleansing and facilitation of bowel movement but man in an attempt to raise his esteem and sell confidence to his fellow man convert vegetable to alcohol, cocaine, ecstasy, Meth and more which is fellow man willingly buy use and blame other for the evil that accompanies his long term dependent on this substances. Many are trapped,frightened, depressed, lost and unsure of their next fix. The product of vegetable which once brought them into a state euphoria, excitement, has led many into a state of despair, disappointment, shame, and the feeling of abandonment and rejection fill the space of love and care as close friends have distanced themselves from them and some family members show no concern and empathy. The entire body system of some promising kids have been disrupted by this substances which they seek to regain by getting a new fix in order to remain functional and gain mental and physical balance. Every glass of alcohol and every intake of cocaine leads to the loss of control of their limbs. Family happiness are sacrificed at the expense of getting a new fix again  and again. Many have lost relation with people as they exhibit psychosis behavior and communicate with the spirit of cocaine in the form of seeing what others can't see, hearing what others can't hear and the feeling of bug bite under their skin  which comes from the impairment of their cognition. 

Despite the mountain of evidence surrounding the use of drugs and the statistics of cocaine related death, alcohol and meth related incidences which lead many siren straight in the direction of the morgue and jail many still fail victim of alcohol, meth and cocaine etc. The need to raise self esteem and confidence has led many to the emotional state of despair, regret, shame, pain as their hopes and dreams crash with every intake of meth, cocaine, heroine and ecstasy.  The believe that drug raise ones self esteem is delusional, it is simply a lie, an illusion. Drugs may provide you a temporal escape from some undesirable situations you are experiencing but it leaves lasting negative effect in you as shame, regret fill the space of temporal confidence it gives. Before you take that cocaine, that meth, think and be sure if it is worth the price of your life, your dreams and goals . Meth, cocaine, heroine and ecstasy are evil vegetables. You do not want to be another statistics, do you? 

Thanks for reading this article. I dedicate this article to the Almighty God who is the source of wisdom and knowledge. 

Written by: Uwagboe Anthonia Peace 

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