The world is full of inventions and great works but most
time we fail to recognize the huge role imagination played in bringing
those concrete thongs from their abstract plane into physical reality.
The creative use of this faculty enable man to express their individual
talents and shape the world in the respective niche they occupy.
We become defeated in our imagination when we lock the
gate of creativity in our imagination by dwelling so much on doubt based
on knowledge we have about how reality really works. The good things we
enjoy in life were once subject to limitation but it took great minds
to create alternative means in bringing their dreams into reality.
Einstein said " knowledge takes you from A-Z, but imagination takes you
everywhere. Knowledge is important as it brings our awareness to
certain things, open our minds to certain dangers, enable us survive in
the world but when we make proper use of this great faculty it enable us
transcend difficulty as it challenges our creativity. Scientists were
knowledgeable about the limiting power that operate in the air (
gravitational force) as it pulls everything towards the center of the
earth. The idea of flying that heavy object in the air might have
appeared completely in sane to the average kind considering the limiting
power that operate in the air by bringing everything down but the
inventors of air craft took it as a challenge as they employ their
imagination and a solution was found. Aerodynamic force was able to put
the craft in the air against the force of gravity.
When we dwell so long on how reality works we miss out on
the creative use of our imagination faculty. When you experience defeat,
perhaps it is time to get creative by employing your imagination.
Imagination is a unique gift to all mankind and it is what separate us
from others and it is what makes us us. Our imagination makes us unique
in the world that is full of people. It is what separate us from our
contemporaries and it is what enable us tap greatly into our inner
resources and make us to the world around us. In our imagination we
transcend obstacles and limitation. Reality on the other hand bring our
focus to obstacles, defeat based in the knowledge we have or belief we
hold about how things work. Majority of individuals see investing time
in imagination as a waste of time yet they do not see how unconsciously
they employ this tool in their day to day activities. Great men who have
altered positively the course of this world understand the power of
this great gift and they consciously employ this great gift. It takes
the discovery of oneself to set this tool in a productive direction.
Imagination is subject to the law of cause and effect and it boom toward
the negative or positive direction depending on what you continuously
expose it to. Your thought content mixed with emotion change your
imagination which create the feelings you. The man that pushes his
dream, vision and ideas into the realm of his imagination sees beyond
reality, sees what others cant see, hear what others cant hear and feels
what others cant feel.
When we engage this faculty we get creative and we
transcend limitation, defeats, obstacles that reality presents to us
based on the belief and knowledge we hold about how things work in
reality. knowledge is meant to assist us and not defeat us and shrink
our hope of what is possible. Being creative entails looking for a way
out amidst obstacles and that is what imagination does. Each of us hold
some personal dreams that we feel is difficult to achieve but when we
push our dreams into the realm if our imagination our capacities grows
from there as it booms our creativity. Reality is nothing but the
knowledge we hold about how things really work. But sometimes being too
rational or logical shrink creativity. The Wright brothers
contemporaries at the time might have had their dreams shattered based
on the knowledge they had about gravity but the Wright brothers never
gave up and eventually they discovered a higher force that is able to
subvert the force of gravity and keep their dreams in the air.
Imagination makes us see through obstacles that reality
completely obscure based on existing knowledge. Their is always a way
out in everything if only you employ constructively your imagination
because that is where creativity abounds. Your capacity grow as you
engage your imagination. Imagination stretch our dreams beyond the
boundaries of reality. Engaging this faculty require the use of the five
senses. Is your dream becoming an actor, a world class photographer, a
pianist, an engineer etc? Now step into the realm of your imagination
and add the five senses of touch, smell, sight, hearing and taste into
it. As these senses develops your imagination becomes vivid enough and
your creativity booms from there. Most time creativity is all our dreams
need to flourish but when we dwell so long on defeat obstacles , it
shrinks out creativity and doubt fear inevitably takes root in our
Thanks for reading this article. I dedicate this article to the Almighty God who is the source of creativity and knowledge.
written by: Uwagboe Anthonia Peace